Daily Archives: March 5, 2017

grimm brothers fairy tales

The Three Feathers

This is one of the best Grimm brothers fairy tales for kids to read. Long ago, there was a king who had three sons. The first and second son were clever and intelligent. The youngest son did not like to speak normally. But he was

fables for children

The Dancing Monkeys

This is the dancing monkeys story for kids to read. Once upon a time, there lived a prince. The prince was fond of various things and liked to do things differently. One day, he decided to train a troop of wild monkeys. So, the monkeys

children's fairy tales

The Limping Fox

This is one of the awesome children’s fairy tales to read. Once upon a time, there lived a man with strange eyes. One of the man’s eyes was always smiling and the other always wept. The man had three sons, though the third son was awfully

fairy tale stories

The White Cat

This is one of the amazing fairy tale stories for kids. Once upon a time, a king had three sons, who were brave and capable. The king loved his sons. But, some of the courtiers told the king that his sons were eager to wear

bingo song

Bingo Song

Bingo Song is a spelling song for little children of unknown origins. It is also known as “Bingo Was His Name-O”.This song’s first appearance on this folk song can be dated back to the 17th century and first recorded version can be found in “The

jack and jill nursery rhyme

Jack and Jill Nursery Rhyme

Jack and Jill Nursery Rhyme is also known as Jack and Gill in much earlier versions, is one of the most popular English rhymes. This poem dates back to the 18th century and has various variations. Some variations increase the number of the verses. Many

hot cross buns song

Hot Cross Buns Song

Hot Cross Buns Song is an incredibly popular nursery rhyme in English language, Easter song, and street cry. Hot cross buns, here refer to the buns generally spiced buns or fruit cakes decorated with a cross on top of it. These are usually served with a