Daily Archives: June 14, 2017

short funny story in english

A Miser And The Villagers

Here is a hilarious short funny story in english for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a miser. One day, a son was born to him. This made the miser very unhappy. “Now, all the villagers will be coming. I will have to give

short moral story for children

The Truthful Thief

This is one of the most awesome short moral story for children. There once lived a man named Jaggu who was a thief. He wanted to become a good person so he went to a holy man for help. “Sir, I wish to become a

tit for tat

Tit For Tat

This is one of the best short moral stories for kids, Tit For Tat. There was a very rich old woman. She had lost her eyesight. She went to a doctor to get herself treated. The doctor asked the old woman, “What will I get from