Daily Archives: July 20, 2017

story of helping others

Always Help Others

This is an inspirational story of helping others. Peter and Handy were twin brothers. Though the looked the same their hearts and minds were completely opposite. Peter lived to enjoy his life. He never cared for people around him. All he concerned about was his

short story about friendship with moral

True Friendship

This is one of the best Short Story About Friendship With Moral for kids. Once upon a time, many, many years ago, the Bodhisattva was born as a parrot. Now, ever since this parrot was young, it resided in only one fig tree with other

short fairy tale

Tania And Manna

This is an awesome Short Fairy Tale for kids. Far above in the heaven, there was a Fairyland. There lived many fairies. Some were beautiful, some were ugly; some were good and some were bad. Amongst them, there was a fairy named Tania. She was an

aesop stories

The Ape And The Bee

This is one of the most amazing Aesop Stories for kids. Once upon a time, in a dense forest lived an ape. Now, this ape had a weakness for honey. The moment the ape had tasted honey for the first time, it had instantly become