Daily Archives: August 21, 2017

cute animal stories

The Heros Of The Jungle

This is one of the cute animal stories for children. This is a story of a large and dense forest called Greenyland. There flowed a river from the middle of the jungle called the Tiber. Once, during the rainy season, a flood struck the jungle.

true friends story

True Friends Story

This is True Friends Story for kids. Deep in the forest, there were three friends, a deer, a tortoise and a woodpecker. They were always seen together. They spent most of their time chatting or playing by the lake side. One day, a hunter came

very short stories with morals

The Other Side

This is one of the very short stories with morals which has been adapted from a Zen Story. Once upon a time, a young Buddhist was journeying back to his home. The young Buddhist was travelling alone. It had been long since he had last

inspirational kids stories

Beauty In Imperfection

This is one of the great inspirational kids stories which has been adapted from Zen stories. Once upon a time, long ago, there was a famous Zen Temple. In that temple, there was a beautiful garden with all kinds of trees, shrubs and plants. One