Monthly Archives: November 2017

old woman who lived in a shoe

The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe Story

This is the old woman who lived in a shoe story for kids. Once upon a time, there lived an old woman. This old woman had many children, and she loved each of them greatly. The children, too, returned the love. They lived in a

short stories for kids online

The Falcon And The Crow

This is one of the best short stories for kids online. Once upon a time, a big falcon lived on a high mountain rock. Near this high mountain rock, in the plains, lived a black crow. The crow lived in a large tree. Right below

story of abraham and sarah and hagar

Story Of Abraham And Sarah And Hagar

This is the Story Of Abraham And Sarah And Hagar for kids. Long, long time passed and Abraham and Sarah did not have any children as God had promised them. Sarah was impatient and so she sent her maid, Hagar to Abraham and said, “Have