Tag Archives: dragon bedtime story

dragon story for kids

The Princess And The Dragon Story For Kids

This is an amazing dragon story for kids to read online. Once, there was a Princess who didn’t behave like a princess. The King and Queen were shocked by her frightful manners. Her tangled hair and ragged clothes made her Nanny cry. The cook tried

reluctant dragon

The Reluctant Dragon Story

This is the Reluctant Dragon Story for kids. One evening, long ago, a shepherd ran home, terrified. “I saw something terrible,” he cried to his wife and son. “It’s as big as four horses. It has long, sharp claws, a long pointy tail, and shiny

chinese dragon story

The Legend of The Chinese Dragon Story

This is an amazing Chinese dragon story to read online. Long, long ago, a little boy lived in a small village in China. His name was Chi Yu. Chi Yu lived in a small cottage with his mother. The cottage was surrounded by large meadows. During