Tag Archives: fables with morals

fable story with moral lesson

The Brother And The Sister

This is the best fable story with moral lesson for kids. A father had a son and a daughter. The twins looked alike, except for the large, red birthmark on the daughter’s cheek. It happened one day that the mother had left her mirror sitting

aesop's fables stories with morals

The Well Of Truth

This is one of the great Aesop’s fables stories with morals for kids. Long ago, a goat, a rooster, and a donkey decided to try their luck at farming. “If we work together, we can grow anything,” said the goat. “What should we plant?” asked

fable stories about animals

The Fox And The Pheasants

This is one of the fable stories about animals for children. Long, long time ago, there lived a wicked Fox in a forest. In the evening time as Master Fox was taking his usual stroll in the woods, he saw a number of Pheasants perched

animal fables

The Frogs Who Desired A King

This is one of the best animal fables for kids. Once, there were frogs who lived together in a pond. They lived in peace with plenty of food. “Oh, I am bored! Is there anything fun to do?” asked one of the little frogs. “If

short fable story

The Cicada And The Fox

This is the short fable story for kids. Once upon a time, there lived many cicadas in the forest. Unfortunately, the numbers of cicadas were reducing every day. It was a mystery and none of them could find out where did all the cicadas gone.

fable tales

The Raven And The Swan

This is one of the great fable tales for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a raven on a huge tree. There was a small pond right after the tree. In this pond lived a swan. The raven was as black as coal. On

fables with morals

The Hen And The Fox

This is one of the great fables with morals for toddlers. Once upon a time, there lived a hen on a farm. Now, all the others had gone back to their shelter, and only one hen remained. This hen went about pecking and eating grains.

fables for children

The Dancing Monkeys

This is the dancing monkeys story for kids to read. Once upon a time, there lived a prince. The prince was fond of various things and liked to do things differently. One day, he decided to train a troop of wild monkeys. So, the monkeys