Tag Archives: fairy tale stories for kids

short princess bedtime stories

The Princess And The Salt

This is one of the best short princess bedtime stories for children to read. A very long time ago, there lived a King and his three daughters. One day, the King wanted to find out which of his daughters loved him the most. So, he called

fairy tale short story

The Flying Carpet

This is the amazing fairy tale short story for kids. In a simple cottage at the foot of a snowy mountain, there was a mother working as a weaver. Every week, the mother would bring the carpets decorated with figures of different kinds of birds,

classic fairytale stories

The Angel’s New Coat

This is one of the best classic fairytale stories of all times for kids. In the heaven, the angels also went to school just like the kids on the Earth. The new semester was about to start and to encourage the little angels, the Knowledge

children's fairytale stories

The Pig King

This is one of the great children’s fairytale stories. Once upon a time, in a faraway land lived a king and a queen. One night, three fairies visited the queen. All three of them bestowed the queen with some gifts. Also, read The Prince With

fairy tales online

The Singing Turtle

This is one of the fairy tales online for kids which has been adapted from a tale in Japan. Once upon a time, there lived two brothers. These two brothers lived with their mother a little further away from the city nearby. Now, one of

the grimm fairy tales

The Seven Ravens

This story has been adapted from one of the Grimm fairy tales for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a farmer. The farmer and his wife had seven strong and healthy sons. Unfortunately, they had no daughter. Finally one day, the couple had a

fairy tales stories in english

Riquet With The Tuft

This is one of the great fairy tales stories in English which has been adapted from the works of Charles Perrault. Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there lived a queen. After trying for to have a child for many years, she

nightingale story

The Nightingale Story

This is a fairy tale named, Nightingale Story which is adapted from the works of Hans C. Anderson. It is about an emperor who prefers the songs of a toy bird than the real nightingale. But when the emperor is near death, the songs of

fairy tail short story

The Cursed Princess

This is an amazing fairy tail short story for kids. Tookius’s father was very ill. One day, he called his son to his bedside and said, “My son, I am growing weaker every day. Therefore, I think it is about time that I give you this and