Tag Archives: inspiring short stories with moral

short story in english with moral value

Wise Thinking

This is a great short story in English with moral value for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a wealthy man who suffered great eye pain. He felt a strange pain in his eyes. Although he tried many things, nothing seemed to help him. From

inspirational stories of success

Meaningless Goals

This is one of the great inspirational stories of success for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a farmer. This farmer had a dog. The farmer’s farm was near a highway. Now, every day, after the dog helped the farmer with his daily things,

inspirational kids stories

Beauty In Imperfection

This is one of the great inspirational kids stories which has been adapted from Zen stories. Once upon a time, long ago, there was a famous Zen Temple. In that temple, there was a beautiful garden with all kinds of trees, shrubs and plants. One

the hospital window

The Hospital Window

This is The Hospital Window Story for kids. Once upon a time, two men shared a hospital room. Now, one of these men was allowed to sit up for an hour every day. The other one, however, was on a complete bed rest. The one

inspiring short stories with moral


This is one of the great inspiring short stories with moral. Once upon a time, a group of fifty people went to attend a seminar. The seminar started at the designated time and went on for a while. When suddenly, the speaker had an idea,