Tag Archives: kids fables

fable tales

The Raven And The Swan

This is one of the great fable tales for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a raven on a huge tree. There was a small pond right after the tree. In this pond lived a swan. The raven was as black as coal. On

kids fables

The Fisherman And His Flute

This is one of the great kids fables for kids to read. Once upon a time, there lived a fisherman. Now this fisherman had a talent with music. He was extremely skilled with his flute. This man was extremely well-known. So, one day he decides

aesop's tales

The Dog, The Cockerel And The Fox

This is one of the amazing Aesop’s tales for children. Once upon a time, in a farm lived a dog and a cockerel. They were the best ofriends. Also, read The Dog In Manger. One day, the two decide to venture out of their farm.

short fables for kids

A Father And His Two Daughters

This is one of the awesome short fables for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a father with two daughters in a village. The elder daughter’s name was Elena and the younger daughter’s name was Selena. He loved his daughter very much and gave