Tag Archives: moral stories for kids in english

moral stories for storytelling competition

Money Can’t Buy Happiness

This is one of the best moral stories to read, “Money Can’t Buy Happiness“. Tom was a 10-year-old boy. He was the only son of his parents. Tom’s father was a very busy businessman who could not spend time with his son. He generally came

short story on kindness with moral

Bird And The Banyan Tree

This is a great short story on kindness with moral for kids. One day, a little sparrow was flying happily in the sky. Suddenly, a hunter hit her with a stone. One of the sparrow’s wings broke and she plummeted. The sparrow tried hard to fly

best moral stories for kids

A Proud Red Rose

This is one of the best moral stories for kids to read. One beautiful Spring day, a red rose blossomed in the forest. As the rose looked around, a pine tree nearby said, “What a beautiful flower! I wish I was that lovely!” Another tree

good stories for kids

Rooster And The Donkey

This is one of the really good stories for kids with moral. A long time ago, a Rooster and a Donkey used to live together in a jungle. Both of them were very good friends. The Donkey enjoyed hanging out with the Rooster. In the

best moral stories in english

Tortoise And The Wisdom Of The World

This is one of the best moral stories in English. It was a hot day in the rainforest. Wylie, the tortoise woke up grumbling. “I have to do something,” he said. “Everyone seems to be getting smarter. I used to be the smartest around. It’s

small moral stories for kids

The Donkey And The Leopard

This is one of the amazing small moral stories for kids. Once upon a time, there was a washerman who had a donkey. The donkey was very lazy and was hungry all the time. But the washerman was poor. So, it was impossible for him

short stories based on moral value

The Mysterious Hut

This is one of the great short stories based on moral value. Once, there was a small village called Devgarh in the India. The village was situated near a jungle and there were many happy families living there. The children were very friendly and used

very short moral stories for kids

The Poor Man’s Dream

This is one of the very short moral stories for kids. Once upon a time, a very poor man lived in a small town. He was poor and very lonely since he did not have a family or friends. He used to sit and beg

moral stories for kids in english

The Paper Kite

This is one of the awesome moral stories for kids in English. One warm sunny day, a group of little children decides to fly kites. So, they get to making their paper kites. The enthusiastic little children use many kinds of colorful papers. Of all

short stories with moral values

The Clever Thief

This is one of the best short stories with moral values for children. One day, in a village a thief was passing by. “I should think of something quick,” the thief thinks, as he had used up all of his stolen money already. So, as he

short stories for kids with morals

The Deer Who Played Truant

This is one 0f the best short stories for kids with morals. One day, a Doe brought her son to wise old deer who used to teach all the deer. She wanted her son to be saved. So, she wanted him to attend the school.

small moral stories in english

Sofia And Friends

This is one of the best small moral stories in English. Once upon a time there lived a beautiful girl named Sofia. She had a rooster whose feathers had a colorful shine. His comb was red like a rose when the sun shined on it.