Tag Archives: moral stories for toddlers

nice story with moral

The Lion’s Axe

This is a nice story with moral for children. Long ago in a forest, there lived a lion. He was the King of the jungle. Now, his Prime Minister, the jackal was getting old and the time had come for him to choose a new

The Crow And The Owl

This is one of the good moral stories for students. Once upon a time, there was a King of the owls and the King of the crows. The King of the owl used his owl group and bully the crows often. These two groups never

moral stories for toddlers

The Crow and the Peacock Story

This is one of the best moral stories for toddlers that of Peacock and the Crow. Today is a very important day for the birds. It is the day for selecting the king of birds. A King of the birds competition is being held. Zzaru, the