Tag Archives: panchatantra short stories in english

panchatantra story

The Dreaming Priest

This is a great Panchatantra story for children. Long time ago, there lived a priest who was extremely lazy. Because of his laziness, he could barely earn anything. He was poor, too. Now, this priest didn’t want to work hard. He was always dreaming of

panchatantra stories in english with moral

Little Lion Learns To Roar

This is one of the best Panchatantra stories in English with moral for children. Deep in the jungle lived a Lion King with his family, his wife and his cute little son. Daddy lion was very fond of his son. He hoped that one day,

english panchatantra stories

The Brahmin And The Crooks

This is one of the funny English Panchatantra stories for kids. Once upon a time, a Brahmin received a goat as a present. So, he decided to carry the goat on his shoulders. The Brahmin decided to take the shortest route home, which went through

panchatantra short stories in english

The Talking Cave

This is one of the best Panchatantra short stories in English for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a lion in a forest. Now the lion had grown old and weak. He hardly could find any decent food to eat. One day the lion