Tag Archives: short folktales stories

very short folktales

The Future Teller

This is one of the very short folktales for children. A long time ago, there lived a man who believed that he could read the future in the stars. He used to call himself an Astrologer and spent all of his time gazing at the

indian folk tales for kids

The Intelligent Merchant

This is one of the best Indian folk tales for kids. Once upon a time, an unjust king ruled a kingdom. This king was not concerned with the welfare of his people but only of his personal gain. His council of ministers was as corrupt

short folktales stories

The Unwanted Guests

This is one of the best short folktales stories for kids. In a village in South India, there lived a poor man called Raghu. He didn’t have enough to eat but he was very generous man and often brought home guests for lunch or dinner.