Tag Archives: short stories with good morals

stories for storytelling competition with moral

The False Human Belief

This is one of the best stories for storytelling competition with moral for children. Long, long ago, a man went to see the Circus Show. Before the show began, he saw that a lot of elephants were held by only a small rope tied to their

moral story

The Lazy Man And The God’s Plan

This is an amazing moral story to read for kids. A long time ago, there lived a very lazy man who always looked for an easier way to feed himself. You may also like to read, The Sly Fox Story. One day, while he was searching

The Poor Man’s Wealth

This is the best moral story for kids. Once upon a time, there lived two neighbors named John and Peter. John was a poor farmer. Peter was a landlord. John used to be very happy and relaxed. At night, he never bothered to close the

short story in english with moral value

Wise Thinking

This is a great short story in English with moral value for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a wealthy man who suffered great eye pain. He felt a strange pain in his eyes. Although he tried many things, nothing seemed to help him. From

short stories with good morals

Two Frogs

short stories with good morals. Once upon a time, there lived a group of frogs. This group traveled together and stayed together. However, this group of frogs never stayed in the same place for long. Together they went everywhere, and this time too they went