Tag Archives: short story about friendship

inspirational stories about friendship

Powerful Prayers

This is one of the awesome inspirational stories about friendship for kids. Once upon a time, there lived two best friends named Kim and Ray. They were very close companions. They lived nearby and studied at the same school. Not only this, in the later

a very short story about friendship

A Special Friendship

This is a very short story about friendship for kids. In a village, there was a boy named Bob who lived with his mother in a small house. Every day after class, Bob went into the forest to pick up woods with his mother. One

short story about friendship with moral

True Friendship

This is one of the best Short Story About Friendship With Moral for kids. Once upon a time, many, many years ago, the Bodhisattva was born as a parrot. Now, ever since this parrot was young, it resided in only one fig tree with other

Four Friends Story

This is one of the best short story about friendship for kids. In a forest lived three friends – the turtle, the crow and the little mouse. All day long, the friends would eat, drink and make merry. One day while the friends were sitting near