Tag Archives: short story for kids with moral lesson

Gold Coins And A Selfish Man

This is one of the best acts of kindness stories for children. Once upon a time, there lived a greedy and selfish man named David. He always wished to have loads and loads of money and never hesitated to cheat on others to make money.

once upon a time short story moral

The Man And The Little Cat

This is one of the best once upon a time short story moral for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a man. This man was not only affectionate but also wise. He loved animals as well as people. You may also like to read,

fable story with moral lesson

The Brother And The Sister

This is the best fable story with moral lesson for kids. A father had a son and a daughter. The twins looked alike, except for the large, red birthmark on the daughter’s cheek. It happened one day that the mother had left her mirror sitting

very short stories in english with moral

House Of Wind

This is one of the best very short stories in English with moral. In a mountain village, the girl named Geeta was living in a small house. One day, Geeta was drying her clothes. But, suddenly the wind started to blow and the wind took

short story for children with moral lesson

The King And His Ghost

This is the amazing short story for children with moral lesson. Long, long time ago, in the Kingdom of India, there lived a King who had a greedy advisor. The King did not know that the advisor wanted to have all of the King’s treasure

short story with moral lesson

A Foe In Disguise Of A Friend

This is a short story for kids with moral lesson for kids. Once upon a time, there was a King. Every day, one soldier was killed in his Kingdom. They were killed not in a war but while safeguarding the palace. The King was worried. Every day,

short story for kids with moral lesson

The Cat-Maiden

This is a great short story for kids with moral lesson. Once upon a time, the gods Venus and Jupiter had an argument. The subject matter of such an argument was, whether a living being can change its nature. Jupiter, the God of light told