Tag Archives: story for kids with moral

moral stories for competition

The Man Who Didn’t Wash His Dishes

This is one of the amazing moral stories for competition . Once upon a time, there was a little man who lived alone. The man was very clean and tidy. Every night, after he cooked his dinner, he would promptly wash and clean everything by

once upon a time short story moral

The Man And The Little Cat

This is one of the best once upon a time short story moral for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a man. This man was not only affectionate but also wise. He loved animals as well as people. You may also like to read,

The Crow And The Owl

This is one of the good moral stories for students. Once upon a time, there was a King of the owls and the King of the crows. The King of the owl used his owl group and bully the crows often. These two groups never

very simple short moral stories

Unnecessary Doubts

This is one of the very simple short moral stories for kids. Once upon a time, there lived two friends. One was a boy and the other was a girl. They used to play together. Every day they would play together. Now, the girl had

moral short stories

The Fox and the Pig

This is one of the awesome moral short stories for children. Once upon a time, in a jungle, a fox came to a river. The fox had to get to the other side of the river. “I think I’ll simply have to swim across,” the fox

short stories with moral values

The Clever Thief

This is one of the best short stories with moral values for children. One day, in a village a thief was passing by. “I should think of something quick,” the thief thinks, as he had used up all of his stolen money already. So, as he

english moral stories

Beauty Is In Deeds

This is one of the amazing English moral stories. Once, there was a magnificent antelope who had majestic mani fangled antlers. He was robust in health and his coat gleamed like a metal. He was duly proud of his beauty. Whenever he went to the

children stories with morals

The Poor Bunny’s Magical Presents

This is one of the awesome children stories with morals. Once upon a time, in a faraway land where many animals lived, a terrible drought took over all the fields and farmlands. All the plants had died and the fields had dried. The animals were

short stories for kids with morals

The Deer Who Played Truant

This is one 0f the best short stories for kids with morals. One day, a Doe brought her son to wise old deer who used to teach all the deer. She wanted her son to be saved. So, she wanted him to attend the school.

story for kids with moral

The Prince And The Bear

This is the amazing story for kids with moral. Once upon a time, there was a prince who was very fond of hunting. One day, he went to the jungle to hunt animals and birds. He wandered in the jungle for the entire day, but could

moral stories for children

The Foolish Monkey And The King

This is one of the great moral stories for children. Long, long ago, there lived a king who was very fond of monkeys. He had one favorite monkey who he kept very close to him like a friend. The king thought that the monkey was