Tag Archives: story of jataka tales

true friends story

True Friends Story

This is True Friends Story for kids. Deep in the forest, there were three friends, a deer, a tortoise and a woodpecker. They were always seen together. They spent most of their time chatting or playing by the lake side. One day, a hunter came

jatak katha in english

The Mosquito And The Carpenter

This is an amazing Jatak Katha in English for kids. Once upon a time, in Benares under the rule of Brahmadatta, the Bodhisattva was born in a trading family. When he grew up, he became a trader too. In those times, the border of Kasi

elephant and dog story in english

Elephant And Dog Story

This is the Elephant And Dog Story In English. Once upon a time, there was a royal elephant that used to recite at the premises of the King’s palace. The elephant was very dear to the King. So he was well fed and well-treated. There was

jataka katha

The Monkey Chief And The Demon

This is a popular Jataka Katha for kids. Once upon a time, a group of monkeys settle down on the outskirts of the forest. The forest had many poisonous trees and a lake that was a home to a demon. The monkey chief called a

story of jataka tales

The Jackal Who Saved The Lion

This is one of the good story of Jataka tales. A very long time ago, there lived a mighty lion in the jungle. One day, he went to the river to drink water. But his leg got stuck in the big, slushy mud of the

jataka stories in english

The Clever Son

This is one of the best Jataka Stories In English for kids. One morning in a faraway village, Ravi helped his old father onto a bullock cart. Just at that very moment, his son, Vivek ran towards them. “Father, where are you taking grandfather?” he

jataka tales

The Clever She Goat

This is one of the best Jataka Tales for kids. Once, some goats lived in a cave near a thick forest.Every day, they grazed in a green pasture that lay near their cave. It had green, luscious grass. The goats had plenty of grass throughout