Tag Archives: very short adventure stories

very short adventure stories

The Wooden Horse

This is one of the best very short adventure stories for kids. A long, long time ago, there was a city named Troy. The city was very rich and had great treasures inside its huge walls. Hearing the stories about the wealth that existed in Troy,

adventure stories for kids

Little Toy Train Story

This is one of the best adventure stories for kids. Little Toy Train was a goods train. He had a shiny engine, three wagons, a cool van, and a bright red guard’s van. Whenever he sped around his track in one corner of the playroom,

adventure stories in english

The Boy in the Paper Boat

This is one of the great adventure stories in English for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a boy called Jack. Now, little Jack was very fond of boats. His favorite pass time had become folding papers into boats. Jack could fold any kind of paper